What’s your style?

Decorating your home is about more than just choosing paint colours. It’s about how you combine function and fashion in a way that complements your lifestyle. If that sounds more like a chore than a chance to show off your creativity, here’s a quiz to help you decide which style might work best for you.
1. Your ideal vacation setting is:
a) An exotic destination
b) A luxurious spa hotel
c) Lots of shops
d) Stretching out on the beach
2. Which element means the most to you?
a) Fire
b) Earth
c) Air
d) Water
3. On Saturday night, you’re probably:
a) Anywhere doing anything
b) Noshing on gourmet fare
c) At the movies with some friends
d) Chillaxing at home
4. To you, chintz is something you would find
a) At Grandma’s house
b) On a gorgeous chaise-lounge
c) All over the parlour
d) At the zoo, next to the chinchillas
5. For you, the ideal photo frame would:
a) Be made of a unique material
b) Feel good to the touch
c) Tie in with a room’s decor
d) Be the right size for the photo
Now let’s see which design destination your tastes are drawn to.
Mostly a’s: Breathtaking Bravado
You thrive in getting the most out of your day, whether it’s trying a new recipe or booking a holiday to a little-known locale. While your attraction to the unexpected is delightful, it can result in a decor that appears disjointed and distracting. Embrace your love of colour by celebrating it sparingly on an accent wall or with stand-out accessories. Pare down collections to your favourite pieces; the fewer items you display, the more impact they’ll have. Feel free to mix and match your furnishings as long as they lend to an overall theme, like style, colour palette or country of origin.
Mostly b’s: Serene Scene
Your home is an oasis—and it’s where you refresh and rejuvenate. The last things you need is stifling clutter or colours so loud they scream. To create a calm and reviving setting, opt for natural shades inspired by forests and fields. Choose items with a smooth texture and appearance, such as a streamlined cream leather sofa or an oval glass coffee table. Footstools with storage compartments will keep clutter at bay. Not sure what to accessorize with? Think large floor cushions in natural fibres and plants like jade or bamboo.
Mostly c’s: Warm Welcome
Having company over is never a problem for you. What you need is a space that provides an intimate environment – whether there are four or fourteen guests on the list. Stick to warm colours as they provide a comfortable, inviting backdrop. Keep furniture choices practical yet unpredictable, like mismatched chairs in the dining room. Maximizing the space you have is essential, so opt for pieces with a smaller footprint. And whether you like to display kids’ crafts or gorgeous ceramics, your collection should be kept to a maximum of five items on display at a time. Switch them around every so often to keep your friends guessing.
Mostly d’s: Effortless Ease
You’re much more interested in function than fashion, so even taking this quiz is a big step. Whether you’re overwhelmed by the decorating choices out there or simply too busy to figure out a game plan, your best bets may be simply hiring a designer or selecting a design scheme from a magazine and following it to the letter. Whatever you do, stick to neutral tones and keep things simple. One easy way to give the appearance of design prowess is to select a focal point in the room, be it a fireplace or a window, and position your furniture so that it faces it.
So there you have it—by taking stock of your preferences, it’s easy to find a decor style that beautifully reflects your innate good taste. Happy decorating!